Nursery Providing The Best Start In Life

Our bright and spacious Community Nursery has 21 spaces per session for children aged 18 months to just under 5 years. We open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday for 50 weeks of the year.

Users of the nursery are fortunate enough to have access to a great outdoor space, and lots of equipment for both functional and educational learning. Inside the nursery, we have skilled and caring staff, all within the safe space. 

The nursery is rated Good by Ofsted. The nursery offers opportunities for children to grow and develop and independence. The nursery provides a stimulating and caring environment delivering the seven areas of learning, including. 

  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Communication and language 

  • Physical development 

  • Literacy 

  • Numeracy 

  • Understanding the world 

  • Expressive arts and design 

At Hornsey Lane the seven areas of learning are integrated into the children’s day using singing, role play, storytelling, dressing up, counting, puzzles, mud kitchen and outside classroom, gardening, healthy living, visits. 

We promote fundamental British Values. We respect and value the diverse community we work in and support children to learn about each other. 

Each child is allocated a key person and second key person to ensure that your child’s welfare needs are fully met and building a safe and nurturing environment.  We adhere to all appropriate staff:children ratios. 


The nursery follows Islington’s charging policy and fees are determined by the family’s income. 

We have funded places for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds and from September 2024 for babies aged from 9 months. Parents are welcome to book a show around. Parents will need to complete a registration form and sign.